Saturday, January 07, 2006

What about owning two retirement places?


There are lots of different ways to think about living options, especially when you don't have to be in one location because of work requirements.

Many people chose two places to live when they retire. For example, they own a small condo in the city and a larger boat that they live on for several months each year. This creates transition time, interest and more personal space for each partner.

Others own or rent a place in the sun for the colder winter months. Along with this they have a larger home in the suburbs or semi-rural area. These homes are generally less expensive to purchase because of their distance from the urban centre.

In their large space they do their hobbies and host their big family events. Then, when the weather turns cold, they lock up and go for several months each year.

If you are planning to change your lifestyle when you retire, there are several points to consider. Think about you and your partner's personality, interests, attachment to family, self-directness and finances. Understanding your needs is the key to a happy retirement.

Don't jump too quickly. Try things on for size before you make big and permanent moves. That way you have not committed yourself before you are ready physically, mentally and emotionally to a new lifestyle.

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