Sunday, January 22, 2006

Crime Rates and Public Safety


The last factor that Dr. Warren Bland compares in his book, Retire in Style, is crime rates and safely. He looks at overall crime, violent crime and property crime per 100,000 people.

It’s an important factor to consider, and one easily forgotten if you are not used to thinking about it.

In some large cities and surrounding suburban areas crime is quite specific to neighborhoods.

Depending on where you live your experience of a particular city can be diametrically opposite to someone else. If you live in a middle or high-end area, on a leafy-tree-lined street with large boulevards and roadways, and you drive to very specific places, you might never experience any crime.

In some cities, on the other hand, taking public transit after hours or late at night, or living in a low-rent walk-up apartment can bring its challenges.

If you are moving to a new area, be sure to check out the neighborhood at all times of the day before you buy. Look around, be observant. Prices are usually what they are for a reason.


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