Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Age Perception a Retirement Factor


How old do you feel? How old do you act? How old do you look?

These can be thought provoking questions that might lead you in different directions, if you let them.

Starting with the positive – if you have taken care of yourself all your life by eating properly, exercising, managing stress, and maintaining a positive attitude, you might feel as though you are 30, even though you are not.

If however, just one of those factors has been neglected, you might feel years older.

I regard retirement as an opportunity to fulfill some goals and to travel extensively. I must be fit and strong if I am to do all the things I want to do.

About twenty years ago I remember talking to a young woman in a rock band. She was about to embark on a world tour. I was impressed that she was running daily, doing hours of exercise, eating well, and doing strength training.

Her rationale was that her tour was going to be challenging physically and that the better shape she started out with, the better she would handle it. Her body strength would carry her forward.

Most people know others who are extremely fit and active even though they are quite elderly, and some who have a limited lifestyle because of poor health due to lifestyle choices.

I know what camp I want to be in.


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