Monday, January 02, 2006

New Years Resolutions, Time and Commitment


Well, a bit more on new years' resolutions, or new year resolutions, if you like.

It seems that one of the barriers to keeping our goals is the time it takes to establish new habits. It's a great idea to exercise every day, but if it's going to take an hour of our already precious time, it may not happen.

How about starting with 10 minutes?

Another factor is that habits take about a month to establish. Twenty-one days is what some experts say, but whatever it is, the principal ingredients for habit change are establishment of the new pattern into your every day life and comfort and ability to do it on a regular basis.

This is why the "baby steps" approach often works.

Try lying down on the floor right now and doing ten sit-ups. It will only take 30 seconds or so, but if it's done every day, it will make a difference.

Good luck wishes don't count. Action does.


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