Sunday, January 15, 2006

Retirement and Continuous Learning


Further to the thread of the last few days, choosing university towns are a fabulous choice for retirement. Universities provide a cornucopia of opportunities to participate at the edge of learning. Newly explored premises and findings on research can be fascinating.

Excellent programming exists in the continuing education offerings, often taught by leading professors in their field. Being an active member of a university community can be a great way to go.

Travel offerings include guided tours by professionals with specialized expertise in the topic. Examples of this are trips to the Galapagos, to Greece to study ancient civilizations, or to Europe to see the art of great cities and archeological ruins.

Cambridge University in the U.K. offers short courses during the summer months. The chance to learn, to meet with others from around the world, and participate in stimulating discussions cannot be equaled.

The most well-known grand-daddy of them all seems to be Elderhostel, with hundreds of tours every year. Participants are sometimes housed in university dorms and report the camaraderie gained from these trips is incomparable.

A focus on life-long learning adds to our appreciation of the world and its wonders.


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