Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Years Resolutions vs. Psychological Payoffs

Most of us have things about us that we would like to change, and really, with a small amount of effort could change. So why don’t we?

This question deserves some consideration. It may only take a small amount of effort to eat slightly less, exercise a bit more, put away things around the house that are cluttering up our space, or clean out something that’s been bugging us for years.

Postponed action exists. The reasons are many, but in the case of simple things, we can’t blame lack of time.

Generally there is an emotional reason why we don’t do things. If our house is tidy we will have to get on with what we really want to do. If we are slim and fit, what will that do to our self-image?

Procrastination techniques are wonderful at keeping us stuck. By analyzing the intent, we can explore the negative pay-off we get by not doing. Much of it boils down to fear of stepping out of our comfort zone.

It's good to be aware of our patterns as we make and keep our new years resolutions.


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