Sunday, January 15, 2006

Travel with a Cultural Focus


Further to yesterday's post, I/we have always traveled with a arts focus and it has been deeply satisfying.

We have toured major art galleries in New York, Washington, London, Paris, Jo-burg, Sydney, Melbourne, Ottawa, Vancouver, Seattle, San Francisco, Lisbon, Madrid, and Florence, to name a few. Even Hawaii has a fabulous art gallery.

It's always an exciting and interesting experience. We usually go at the beginning of the day. There are usually peaceful little restaurants attached and gift shops that offer more than the trivia or tourist knick-knacks. The restaurant in Sydney, for example, was outside and offered great views.

Other people I know travel with a focus on visiting all the opera houses, the major bookstores, the train stations, the libraries and so on. Others concentrate on the architecture. Some like to buy a certain item from each country they buy.

I once met a middle-aged couple whose focus was the Rolling Stones. They literally followed the Stones' itinerary and went from city to city and saw each concert on the tour.

Whatever the interest, persuing knowledge of your chosen focus adds richness and mental stimulation. This enduring search for understanding or appreciation of beauty is one of the pleasures of life.


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