Friday, March 03, 2006

What is an expatriate?


Have you ever heard of the word? Many haven't, but more and more people are becoming aware of the expatriate lifestyle.

Those are people who travel a great deal or have worked internationally. They have linked up with other transplanted people in their current city or country.

These "expats" usually hang out together, socialize, compare housing prices and all sorts of information that is needed to navigate a new country or city. They often become good friends by virtue of the fact they can speak the same language.

Expats often take small jaunts together, going off on extended weekends to visit neighboring countries or recreation areas such as the beaches and lakes of the countries where they live.

Expat communities can be quite large. I understand there are 6,000 expats in San Miguel de Allende in Mexico.

Some larger expat groups have social events and organized activities. There are art and symphony groups, writing, sports and parties and special events.

If you are thinking of moving internationally, be sure to find out the size of the expat community in the place you are going.

More tomorrow, including some websites.


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