Thursday, March 02, 2006

Planning for Leisure Time in Retirement

In the past retirement was for the elderly, as life expectancy was lower. "Older" folks stepped aside for the "younger" ones, and gradually disappeared from the scene.

Well, the old days are over! Today baby boomers are totally involved, doing interesting new things, traveling, redecorating, socializing, going wild.

Really, when you think of it, retirement at a young age has all the hallmarks of a great life. You have enough money to live reasonably well. This is, of course, subjective, but let's not be too picky about how North Americans live. Reasonably well is probably an apt description.

You are relatively healthy, and if suffering a bit from lifestyle issues such as smoking or obesity, these can be changed.

You have opportunities to give back in amazing ways.

Travel has never been easier or more interesting.

So we can truly do as we wish, and without the major factor that has governed so much of our life up to now, that is, work and our time commitments to it.

What more can we ask for? The ability to step out of our comfort zone, take the challenge and go for what we want. Vision and action are all we need.

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