Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Further thread on Retirement and Expatriates


Well, although it may not be absolute retirement, educators do have choices about working around the world.

Lots of educators think about teaching elsewhere when they have reached their required number of years for a pension. This is especially possible in the K - to 12 system. Many in the old days started teaching at 22 years of age, making it possible to retire at 57 with a full pension.

Often people retire even sooner because they are tired of the "system". They want to take some time off, but after that are looking for a bit of adventure of a fashion.

Moving to a new country and teaching there fulfills that need for many. Money needs are not quite as great. They are doing something they are familiar with - that is teaching - but in a new environment. On one hand, it is stimulating to be challenged with new circumstances. On the other hand, it is not too hard, because they have lots of experience teaching, interacting with students, etc. etc.

Teaching overseas is certainly an interesting way to keep on working. It seems to be the best of both worlds.

More tomorrow.


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