Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Retire Early and Find another Job of your Choosing


Many years ago, when I was much younger, around 40, I taught a job search workshop for people over 45 years of age.

We focused on the positive points of being an experienced individual and also looked at some of the stereotypes people have of “older workers”.

Looking at some strategies to overcome employer bias, we discussed our strengths, and how to educate employer to see past this bias.

In fact some studies, which I don’t have at my fingertips, find that older workers are very reliable. Their work experience has developed their communication, decision making, project management and time management skills. They usually don’t have childcare problems.

What I did find interesting, though, as it was alien to me, is that some older workers wanted to step down from top leadership roles. They wanted to work, but not necessarily be the boss. They might have a great deal to contribute, but like to see others step up to the plate.

I can see and understand it now though.

This shift of direction is quite a natural progression of the life-cycle process. In our fifties we are at a wonderful time in our lives. We are healthy, but now have different needs. Our perspective is broader, more inclusive and all encompassing and we can see other areas of interest.

This doesn’t mean we won’t do a good job or be bored. It fact we may do a better job because we are not in active parenting or facing the financial stresses of earlier years.

By the way, I think employer bias is melting quickly in this busy market. Workers in their fifties are energetic, committed and so very capable that they often have the edge.


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