Monday, February 27, 2006

Ah, the weather! Retire to the Sun


Well, here it is the end of February. In Vancouver a pink haze surrounds some trees, an early promise of blossoms to come. The tulips are half up in the back yard, and daffodil stalks are standing tall.

Spring seems a long time coming. We had a long spell of rain, 29 of 31 days in January and the last two weeks of December. I think I'm growing moss.

The last few days have been very cold and windy. Fireplace logs going, heavy clothes.

Did you know there is an ideal climate? It's somewhere around 20 degrees centagrade, with relatively small changes in barometric pressure. That's the change in air pressure that gives some people headaches or sore bones.

I think the rest of Canada is going to land on our doorsteps with a large thump as they retire. When you see the news clips of the snow elsewhere, it does give one pause.

It has been said that the Canadian psyche has been formed by the weather. We persevere, carry on and make it through.

With less tolerance for cold as we age, those of us already living in warmer southern BC might be on a fast plane to more southern Mexico.

My goal is to spend January somewhere warm - Spain would do.


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