Sunday, February 05, 2006

More about emotions around retirement


One of the best things to do with your emotions if to define them. This is true of most things, and also important with this issue. If you walk around feeling vaguely uneasy, or unhappy, and you have not defined why, it lurks in the bad corners of your mind. It's always there, under the surface, and distracts to various degrees.

Once you have defined what's bugging you, you can then do something about it. Of course we are talking about the more unhappy emotions. The first thing is to assess what areas are deficient. Then, when you see what the issue is, you can start to think about solutions.

It has been said that defining the problem is half-way to solving it. If you do not have any interests outside of work, you can start to look around. If you don't have enough money, you begin to think of how to make more, or about a part-time job you could take once you retired.

If your relationship is shaky, maybe now is the time to start discussing it with your spouse, not when you retire.

You get the point. As you move from problem to solution, all sorts of ideas open up.
Problems are the past and solutions are the future. Your energy will grow and inspiration will move once you go in different directions.

There is one quote I love, and it is, "One hour of action is worth ten hours of navel-gazing." I don't know who said it, but it's true.

Who cares who wronged you or what other people think? Is it worth holding on to past grudges? You are the one who is suffering from a negative state of mind. Why let the past impact the future?

This is your life and the more you get out and get going the happier you will be.

Go for it.


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