Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Personality and Retiring


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator reveals several personality factors. Two that I consider important in retirement are the Introverting/Extraverting and the Judging/Perceiving factors.

The first one - introversion and extraversion are extermely important.

If you gather your energy from others and need to focus your energy outward, you are considered an extravert.

If you prefer time alone and gather energy from reflection and time alone, you are probably an introvert. Of course, we all express qualities from both sides of the spectrum, but the tendency will still be with one way or the other.

Extraverts cut loose from their jobs with no opportunity to interact and express themselves in meaningful ways may find retirement very lonely. Their needs must be met by establishing opportunities to interact on a regular basis, in ways that are important to them.

Introverts enjoy more solitary time and may be thrilled to be able to spend days persuing their interests. However, no person is an island, and introverts may find they become too isolated and narrow in their focus.

Something to think about.


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