Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Winter Solstice


What a great time of year. So many people have time off between Christmas and New Years that the streets are quiet and there is a different mood in the air. An absence of busy-ness.

I guess that is true if you avoid the shopping crowds and the giant consumer splurge that takes place.

It's my contention that we are a bit wiser as baby-boomers. The people lining up for the X-box are primarily young adults. We have what we need and know we don't need yet more gadgets or the latest model.

It's not that we don't or won't embrace new technology, but we have seen the same patterns before. There is always another bargain, another great deal around the corner. And do we really need it anyway?

It's funny to read the flyers that come to the house, especially for the small kitchen-appliances. Oh boy, a hot chocolate maker. We can store that along with our yogert makers.

Instead of rushing the malls, some time out in nature or even our own back yards wakes us up. Feel the cold wind. It's great to be alive.


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