Thursday, December 22, 2005

Leisure and Personality Types

Understand your personality type.
When you are planning your leisure and time away from work it's an interesting exercise to frame your use of time with the MBTI profiles. Myers-Briggs Type Indicators points out that there are two types of people.
One type "J's" or Judgers like to organize their outer world. They prefer to plan what they want to do and work their plan. They strive to finish their projects and work sequentially.

"P's" or Perceivers, on the other hand, like to let the outer world evolve. They prefer to make decisions on what to do based on how they feel that day and/or on what's transpiring or emerging. They don't want time restrictions because they need to see how things are evolving and make decisions based on where they are at that moment.
Both of these ways of working can have a huge impact on your leisure life after work. This is especially true if you are part of a relationship with different operating styles.
Thinking about how you live in this world can be a useful exercise in finding greater happiness, especially if you are free from the confines of a work schedule.
You can ask, did your work schedule restrict you? Did it keep you grounded? Will you still need to keep a schedule once you are not working? Or, are you delighted at the prospect of having days with no structure to do exactly what you please?

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