Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Try a new job or hobby on the side

When I talk about life after work I generally get one of two responses. Some people can hardly wait, and are eagerly anticipating all the things they will finally be able to do once they have the time.

Others are not looking forward to the luxury of spare time, but in fact have a negative view of not working. The comment I often hear from them is that people often die within two years of retirement so they want to keep working for a long time! Of course, wouldn't we all if that were indeed true.

Keys to happiness are few: good health, great relationships, abiding interests and intellectual stimulation. For those who are not hobby-prone, don't like crafting things and aren't particularly social, not working could present some challenges - boredom for one.

A suggestion is that people start to develop other interests outside of work long before they stop working to earn a living. Try another career that you could do on the side, that you might move up to more hours after you retire from your regular job. Get involved in community service; plan great trips, or determine to become an expert on one particular interest and learn all you can about it.

Intellectual stimulation is an important part of all of our lives; make sure you have it in retirement.


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