Monday, December 19, 2005

Doing something different at Christmas


Well it seems that a lot of boomers are experiencing different Christmases and holiday seasons. For one, they are getting used to sharing their kids and grandkids with ever increasing numbers of people as people grow up, marry and alternate the big day with the in-laws. People move on and create their own traditions with their new babes. The centre of the family shifts, and grandparents find themselves going over to their kids home, instead of vice-versa.

I've heard of quite a few people who are celebrating early as their kids are not available on the 25th. I've know quite a lot more who are taking off to Hawaii, Mexico and other more exotic places.

Many are foregoing gifts and instead opting for trips and experiences. How much more stuff do we really need? Some write a cheque to their favorite charity.

We're having a big family get-to-gether, but besides that am meeting small groups of friends for lunch. That way we can catch up with each other's busy lives and connect.


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