Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Birdhouse Design


The birds are at it again. Every morning the juncos, sparrows, chickadees and finches show up to feed.
We have two birdhouses, which we alternate every day or so, as they go through a lot of seed. We wash them fairly regularly, especially if it's quite damp, as the seed can go moldy.
We have two styles of birdhouses. One we call the Leaky Condo Birdhouse, because it has a flat top with not much overhang. It reminds us of all the California style condos built in the Vancouver area. Designed for the desert, built in a rainforest. Of course they leaked - no overhangs!
The Leaky Condo Birdhouse is not as popular with the birds as the "Good Birdhouse". There is no protection for the birds and the seeds get wet.
The "Good Birdhouse" is made in BC of cedar. The roof lifts to load the seeds. There is a very generous overhang on the shoped roofs and place for the birds to perch.
Who knew that good design extends even to birdhouses and the climatic conditions of the region where it hangs. The birds knew.:)

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