Monday, May 31, 2010

Greenwich Village NYC

Greenwich Village NYC

What a fabulous day. We walked down Broadway from our hotel on 32rd. Along the way we past a farmers market at Union Square where we found wonderful breads, home-made jams, cheeses, lots of fresh, organic produce and the usual wares sold at these markets.

Further along, at around 8th Street we finally reached Washington Square, the heart of Greenwich Village. Surrounding the large leafy square were market stalls, and it seemed everyone was munching on roasted corn-on-the-cob and Greek and Thai food. The stalls a bit further out were divided into sections - interesting original art and jewelery.

Within the square people were sitting all over the place - on the benches and in the grass. A couple of jazz bands played - sax, drums, and, bass. We found the Blue Note Jazz club but didn't get back to hear AhmaI Jamal, as it started later that night. We sat at watched the chess players, ate some street food and just enjoyed hanging out and talking to people and of course, socializing with the various dogs that were running about.

We found a sense of what people in NYC do. It was a hot day, and the park and square were full, and I think the average person grabs time where they can and enjoy the greenery of this busy city.
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